El Harare International Festival of the Arts -popularmente conocido por sus iniciales HIFA- es considerado como uno de los eventos socioculturales de mayor relevancia en el continente africano. Así, se reúnen anualmente alrededor de 60.000 espectadores en la capital de Zimbabwe, para disfrutar de un programa completamente interdisciplinar, protagonizado por más de 800 artistas acreditados llegados desde cualquier rincón del planeta. Fundado por el pianista y gestor cultural Manuel Bagorro, y frente a las duras condiciones políticas y económicas del país, HIFA ha alcanzado en el año 2013 su laudable 14º edición. http://www.hifa.co.zw/
En 2012, Samuel Diz recibe el convite para participar en el festival en representación de España, junto a otros dos guitarristas: Derek Gripper (South Africa) y Yamandú Costa (Brasil). Coincidiendo con la cita, lanza su EP con música original de Puerto Rico, interpretando en doble concierto, obras de Hermelindo Ruiz y José I. Quintón, junto a una muestra de la guitarra en España en torno a la Generación del 27': Jesús Bal y Gay, Rosita García Ascot, Frederic Mompou y Federico García Lorca.
Zimbabwe: Guitar Feast at Hifa. Apart from the presence of musical legends - Senegalese icon, Ismael Lo and Zimbabwean superstar, Oliver Mtukudzi, the week-long fest will also feature other guitar impresarios straddling the classical, jazz and pop genres. One of them will be Samuel Diz who will perform in the NMB Recital Room on May 2 and 3. Other accomplished guitarists to feature prominently at HIFA this year are famed local female bassist, Edith WeUtonga, Brazilian Yamandu Costa and South African, Derek Gripper. Financial Gazette, 20.04.2012
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© David Brazier |
Tras la buena experiencia vivida y satisfacción del público asistente, Samuel Diz recibe un segundo convite para participar en HIFA 2013. Continuando con la línea propuesta en 2012, y de nuevo en doble función, Samuel interpreta un conjunto de obras firmadas por autores españoles de diferentes épocas: Francisco Tárrega, Manuel de Falla y Fernando Buide. La conexión con el idioma y cultura hispanas es representada en esta ocasión con México y Cuba, completando el programa con obras de Manuel M. Ponce y Leo Brouwer. Dos conciertos que sucedieron el éxito de la anterior experiencia, logrando un completo sold out en ambas funciones.
En una breve selección de los numerosos artistas musicales que participaron en estas dos ediciones del festival, podemos citar a los músicos locales Oliver Mtukudzi, Hope Masike y Alexio, así como Ismaël Lô y Baaba Maal (Senegal), Kunle Ayo (Nigeria), Noisetess (Inglaterra), Mike del Ferro (Países Bajos), o Jacob Bain & Publish the Quest (Estados Unidos).

This time last year I witnessed a spectacle, a great feast of the eyes and ears. Out of Barcelona, Spain, came a spectacle so humble and yet heart consuming, that still sends minor tremors down my spine. It was a feast of the ears fit for a king and there I was, a young man in his late twenties, from the slums of the city Harare, face to face with a maestro of the famous Spanish guitar. If music be the food for love, then play on Samuel! Play on! I have often been fond of the six stringed curvy box. Through vigorous and finger breaking exercises I have managed to learn the basics, the eight musical chords. That alone has inspired me and to be honest, has since started to break me apart. There is no such frustration than to desire to be good at something and failing dismally at it. Sigh! It still lies there, ontop of my wardrobe, less a string and hardly ever played and yearns for a small caress every now and then. It wasn’t until I watched Samuel Diz play that day when all desire to continue learning erupted inside of me once again like an old volcano. Spilling wave after wave of musical genius that I never knew existed in me. To say it was a great show, is an understatement. To say it was a romantic evening with a man playing a spanish tune, under-elaborates the feeling and the air that filled that small little church. It was a sweet moment were, tears almost (male ego couldn’t let them) and it brought lovers together and friends pure joy. It was a heart warming moment and I never knew that curvy box could be capable of joys which I thought only existed in other realms of entertainment. I will be certain to quench the thirst I have put my ears through for the past year, and afford myself the chance to witnessed pure brilliance once again. This year, I wont be caught off guard like the last but will be ready to be wowed and perplexed at the simple joys stemming from one simple boxed instrument, in the hands of one great international artist, Samuel Diz Sierpes. He performs at HIFA and Wednesday and Saturday, don’t miss out! Review and pictures by Joseph Takudzwa Maramba
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© Joseph Takudzwa Maramba |